Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), May 27, 1942, p. 1 (2024)

the georgetown herald sytyfourtf year of publication wlaeiay may 27th 1042 5c a copy 200 a year red cross news tt the od red roae soldier tnosr its uir wort ol a uutm hand lild the vara great curt comu the fled cross nunr shea th note of no luoi land- the aord nun bring to our mux ftorrnce nlghunjair when u1 her glory fade if thry arne urd aht 913 piorroc nlgliunsalr mol child ren aould uy that ih au a udy who nursed umuh sodlrr tn tw crimean war but that would or all too intidrquatr an aruarr in uir rrl eighties we ha dicfcm plcturr of that disgusting cul omao lira oojh with hrr grtrhy clothr and hrr gin hot t if bh was a true portrait of tnr dufae in those dsjs rvuroc niiril n- galr iu the first prrscon that ot thought ol thrtr calling as a hlti jro- frulon bhr ma lml the founder of modrrn nunmf not currrly a njnw but tux pmot ocikntikio miulfc the song the flosc of no msn land ma a product of the ust aur and depicts uir grrat rrspect the aoldirrs had for uir norting nutm xn this mar ar hate uir unsunt beroinra of uir russian front ibe kj crou n ultra who personal rnhibui to ihr wounded and duij on inr baturllrld let no hrltanry on our oa in supply uig thtm mlth odtqtiate iqu p- tnmt stay uir aorfc of these an els of mercy we know that in order uiat mt of ua mo llr some of ua u1 ha v to die but lrt there be no unnectsijry death the sons and daughrers ol mother britain urr standing linn t r ua very often a blood donajn i tsfrccssao to cope with those dreadful wounds we must gir our mono o the fled cross to iuppl this mid on very tnlp there must be a supply cf blood the mrn mho are bringing oar food to us must br protected if tie ship is atuckrd tome of uir wound a sailors must have a transfusion or lis equivalent immediately come then let us to the tak and ihr lied cross wtu do their part of that we may be i oskrd to tukt on ttr e b htudquariers battrdjav9 at ttvawthttta nkhalsss hlarur l m aativ a flstasid oaw kr tbovjtal utu m jsvs chs ut heal ate 4m r hi a i lultsod ite khlp fir tansd thrn ihsl s in 1917 and ihr tiiip lk ft uflf u jtit und be ukaibi be ma bis s t js sfitn ilnstli kr rjmr ap uir hl limtrntv u msnlrrsl stayed a mhiie cila4s on a bsnr4 rsrrion tromcd ibr tnjled htau- j vtating jitiu in llalifss mbrrr be has ntdr hi hatar lor isaar lisv he rrrurn- brr mtnlr ttstr in us or in rantrr randmcts his omn pra ffratas hsiao mttor kstmrda at 7j pjb ldt far nauoosi srt- wavh uatenrra lie ta aflltr in ewruiif oiling and tennis tuite u1 dfirr pass ep a ntn in ibe nartb meat arm winter or wm aaer is a mrmbrr of ibe folar bear ctab oo moetdre norh room hewing all heard our uilnu ut a time und that darn aril but mrs ciuiipaxll hui uir knack of kupervlns u uholi roomfuj of iirtjhrn und ulinn ucl if uron xrvontl jrtlcn undrr hrr tlu conunltut is tr rffic*nt und ihrlr mark u ixcilknt t urt ur proud ol our hospital tjupmm tlic haniutaj ooaimltt t ho- b u ripilil jlklult nt th mipp lng the we msttrtiil und c doiii uu work lhiv tain ii k to m k tut n vils to tx comjit4d b uw ls ol jul tnl work ill u a- ligl audrey fefeve wjs active service motes aifstam at j uwig p oa doug urgent left t- trdav momlng for no 5 uanftng 8c oeorres church of england depot ithlne quehrc after tpend- tma th aceoe of oly weddln a je at n home in town lswl saturday uay 2jrd when aud- rey uaiy orleie only daughter of xttn m uniform home lu sttk m ur aud ura t f orierr became th eluded pilot officer oordon uc don bride of uud vernon a qhorfk itc laid camp bordrn pus uervyn kir a p youngrr son of idr and ura by camp bordrn pus clarrner fred hharpe of barrle hv w o kennedy toronto pie gordon o thompson ofclalrd at the cere- j nra branuord bt joseph ifur t mony and urs w p bradlry anu lljutitfond r1lng officer ken uac- orgarust kracr aytmrr ac1 uod bod kst- the brldr glen in marriage by her ter f jther more a trret length drre of j queens blue brocaded crepe trimmed i a iut turr threads from hrr mothrr idding dna mllii mhltr bcvcortrs wu more a corrjgr of orange bias- ca oms a gift oj hrr coujn pilut officer tuwteu of wrmblry ti inland no ui tlorud m let knd und a w hi te iliblr mlth tuirr cubrudr und u monlton urr handkerchief klfu of tjr ti rttid unclts li vtmbw in hiiul hrr ututidant was tin truom n m ur in 1j mih crc tuurpt vorv u bju crtjm ndntui ulth tilte accissoriis uii 1 uriinl u uhllt frutr llouk lit ilit of uit brldt ui viuit um id mr ct h ar brtlnr of tlu i ru m at u nun at iht rtitpuoji hi d tii llti la gion luil mth tirut nhl ai ixl in u iruiuvt rtk litis uitii ii luhlti ciujiith und a ji at i witi 1 as und hl ui ill 1 1 iiinin inalin tlx i r i u to tlui rtjm ulili mithiik kutu s und u th hit t rn tt md lil of lhtulli tin nni hrarklnitiuu r mr j hjurm i tilt n uijlunii ukslitil in rchin th lac llrrbert it id fu of ur rd w if lit1 rerntly arnxl oci mhrrr he u wnm ith tht it lac ilrurr ktnrud has b u tin y it rnxj from toronto to no f i pt mt cuuuirines it as u blrf dljulifiolntniini or jt ilpti ii u1s4i mjii of mr utid mr r pirttr nhtn altrr hi- up ill mho iii i hi til ixt ii utt p41 la t u i nil hu it inn n rumnn itctd m r t i ni is i sub lltutt lunt h u t ni douti b hr tin0kil uuurd kiiili rjx nt mk ul m nths in tt i n n with tt i it t a r ui1 t j h m inti d rl ii 1 tor mull ji m i n- 1 ii h t ir wai conip t d hth hw lor ttui ihns tlu btldi u ink tuii ulth uhiti i ru atfr a sliuit trip uu him m will it turn to muiltod alurtu ulxii in t mjuoiud ftlth uu itcar llut mih prtmitt from harm ii intil t t tutonto itockuood iuilpj ctiltm h nn uiul in rgiu we are n coring oomplctlon of our present quota and the commit ic an i ju v t i 1 t display of this wor he munsunk wi mil rrquin mu i jul canadian lnguv than tlu rtwlir comml re to com mr and mr fl planning a first mctk in juni mmn uu puu i be uniud bombed from uulr homi inany robbed of fathers and m it t the children of britain tmt naon to blrs the canadian rrd crass hear them i am ten and u half i haw been through a lot of blitz a thank you for the smccts and jarru tin avctta were lotl atur all at t been through ntvtr mnd c must be brac and uic adults tlu cjothtng mas a oodstnd my lult ctrl had no coat to mcur i lost m husband in un nlr tuid und cannot bu m little klrl v in ht has been utd to i hat ritttii my husband in uu army he bas to thank ou it mukts hus job t ua god kttp ou mlt mi li tit bos stnd tlutr lot t tht ctulclun cf canada simp t d tiitba sj oiuiht lsii t ha w k u i u 1 kmttinc wt still hit iliiit o t li o hand for stnitt socks wt co i i do uth u itu n n i n uinij rruirchts on i s ii li k t t j to bt suppl id vt th s iks iij not tutd to s i ui mou comrnl i plctr ihl work n unit o il ise tx i on hand ut to c clock on cdntli afurnnon juiu 3rd hi s ts ir in j w utlon caw ss i in com i ration tt un mm ol urlt n ith o tr trt nirtr mr mrlintott hi informs us that tin rtpoi s un i rv tiko mining and he has etr hop tint chorkttoun uiul ui i mil null i s objtctui of siooooo ii l i to oi do not tl stppomt hlin tlu iud citosa or thos mho nn dipt n n i t i for uhit is j istl thtlra vouil surpoitt dixongraham wedding in petawawa chapel a quit i niddint a nouiintd it motidu mu llth llu in ht cj or hi 6 chapel l um imu milltui camp b ll4 cujuin a c mccujluni mhtn lula murifl orajuim iug n duutthler of mr und mrs j orah mi of nurkiton tl in marriutri to luiuunant maurice miuhtu lixoii tlurd ikutalloti ito- car son rodi ri k a dixon troops entertained prior to leaving for brantford no i dulml platoom ouchth of lkoiov av1 lions t intihtainmint anii imno united ypu players present rollicking farce li i ir to thur ttijittm lot kr in loid uint iritli tnoiiiiim rnunu h it no t i li n i ill toon irm bio s a it ii til ill i it tt i aniwiiiis n until t inintt mj ijui b llrund u canadian l k n un t it l mmmtluii ijdiis ci b cil m h ci im us i ttl us ihiliiiiui i tlu t vi nln und nit ml if iil lit ui ii c m c i hi cl o thump vit nd i c c cimhritii uho j w br i ll i li twtiiuni m o pro ulitl b tin ji k aw unit tiuuim from lor n u nd 1 im i k ii s tht iik n in i tl i ir i id 1 1 j 0 ii d i ici ttlh in isil lurn si ci b mi m l ma jaik arms iuiik und john k kill ol linn house mtm ilicharo bcra uf ui- w a to uu lonu h us unit sini rt in sjimt uts nou ovikmias itf j ifrraphlll hm- mlfr rid ddthttrv m axrd os and htity skrd lo ur un juhn m hs bern otrrwas tnr ltl r- loher loth lie llmphlu enhu rd on mj uh mllh the flcjl m and proceeded ovrresk af ler preli ml nsxy training at to ronto ugara and jhb barden lie is a ton of mr and mrs j llrruphlu of nandslfe and a bro ther or mr j t ciuiler of fhsurirtown with him in this pjrlure taken oh lie he was still in jnatli la pte s u r- co- burn on the left t of wrtoria mho is also orrs amm of toronto cot oto bmilh and cup c lxnult liusir mtr uitiuvsts english lady writes mrv prnmn krrele lellrr liom london ld m s i hklmhl l i ttr hun mi cl i l i i i- it ltnd i tns i hospital pit isid to n port h ul p ickttl 1 tht till wt urt commiitt shipment 20 wheels co pillow casts co b p cotrs 64 turkish tout is o hunicul to 20 muitrtib pids 140 mhiu handkcrchkls 1j4 4lnch bins bandusts wt vumt jou to kno uui our hospital shlpmtnus uu mttd mchui to nom at htadquurttrs wt hat kemshead norton wedding last friday mildiitl nor on d i u h i r il mi s bin ii n iu n md uu 1 itt mr noi- i tun oi c ii m1 inn und john lit ui k ii h i 1 i uit on o mi i u ii mi j h in ul ol imiii i 11 imil 11 ill tl t ill si i 1 i 1 i 1 i ii 1 im i tiuin it o o uioliip- s t p iioiini t lu tiiunimv md tht totip i will at uidi d b mi and mia i j u it 11 it o 1 hi bndi vu ii u i ii in uiimtit i slitt l imtli tin with in h n ut s orlts i tolnuui tin ciixmon mr una mis kim ik ul itit hi u sin it u a thin tup tin r uhhh uu tiu4i mill ru uu to thit in loronto vtith t u hti i ciinu ii tn nut hi is u pit in mt nt ctott t ttmti liockiy pi it r imu rnus u imintxr of tlu kioiipulnuin t inti iint cliutt cliuinpluus list minttr i in i junk 11 n j r a 1 i 1 ii pnl tl ol imi s t 1 oil i uh i n ilk i h i in- nt tl i s n i t s s s i mi k otn inl mi l tnpti n th u t t 4 i i i i it h mi lt ii on t i ii n cu thin i h mt 1 it i i i it t i ballinafad mr und mrs j irmin of lkti mtrr urtk t ml visitors mith mr al x mis j miiu sliortlll und m m iu ii c 3 r i ion it o no in i i l i n ih a i k i d i tin t iik in ln mi s lit i ri t ii it is sjm n in i it i ki i ill holm ol ht bro hi r mr tt hilts in toronto m ss ul lt ik r tit i i i ti m i m k i nil l not u i ti r n l m s 1 i klrkwthhi mr md mis j c rum i u n n ui ii us ioj w i tin clurk s i 1 m lv ii d h lid l ih tt a in t lor tht ir mil mulinj h i mt o mr hobt mtltitr mi a o tt ton in ip ltd in tht i i n il i t in s iu tht iiil btlng l l v 111 native or georgetown alvtn bel pastes liinl md ittj i nut met s of ah in h- i it i tii of mm ntthunul bill ml tii lilt mr bill wtrt- juiocard 1 trn h lddi n und untimrl d nth in l he iruutt pith nt pavilion u tin toronu otntrul hosiiltuj the 1 iii alv ti hi 1 vt ls born ln oeontt- toun j7 i iixi vo iitx a undid uu iublu mid ii vji bchoo s lurt af- itr liuvink sthocl ht itunicd uu but i ht r tr idt m 1 hud operated b isl- ii s is ht rt und in ouilph and btlle- mil hr ihr pis thirteen tarn loantr hi his btin connectsd mlui tht rridintlil lilt avsuruiui comi- ui it tttir iv hi mlli olllct pohmss mi i iriindl dl position und plias- n jxrsi n tlit hi mus iwpulur and i il i tn mill lai hl bimntvi h mis mittvilul and tnjoisd the lonlidtnci of uu pitroils of tilt com- pan mliich ht rtprtstntd mr bell 1 id not bit n in mmki ik llth for wimt nn md it uu imu ol his thaui wtiln li i i llth hi w w until r- n it i uu nt it tort nto hospital surviving him urt his mih who 1 prior ut uu ir iniinim mas miss until ih ih h cast ol bt iu 1 it out tl i i 1 r m iriljn in t itht i us lis inothtr mrs nithitiltl bill of lilt inipion und out hlstt r mrn hurr untm ol hi imp on mr 1111 s tl tjj 4nil ii iii in labor situation serious t ill vu1 itur iiril t md him uuout 10 tnis lulp ia off inii m u a o a uiothtr cuiutiou btj dltd dabt i iikut sit years atto i 1 inttniin tmk pi uv ul nillcvlte riic snikith of mnn ocor tomn i it 1 1 i 1 t till iuutd i mi crtfry tksatr paxltad far flea asasur puy la twa yean ftrr tl c tatf4 direct im sfxra aa juraai filktr a pxcird house at the orefof theatre greeted the united church young people a union players ua thursday mgni for their preaenutioc of ajirrn buck from punkln critl thu rouicaung comedy by lieut beala- cormsxk ha proved n favourite with audience across canada and tha ur ttrd hutto and the caste of oecrgrtown amateurs squerted every norlble laugh out of the rural com dy the first tmo scenes were laid tb tha kitchen of an oklahoma far homr mrs rofty berry kathle lyotur onmely mldov who ha lakes in summer boarders to hrlp makr end meet iias been upprooclied by one of them ut wubur mrrrldrv douguk llrackrnt to sell the farm for 1120a his itiint noruh cleave and ura btrr bouifuj suitor aaron ouck h c todd dont mant her to seu but tlu midow ujmuy anted to mov to the cit just vhtn uie fatal deed to be tjimrd bis discovers uiut ultra l oil in the creek and mlth the help of ajton thr price is boon ted to j30- 000 in the final sc nr mhlch take plurf in n chicago cabaret mrrrldev divovers uiut he has bten hoaxed by aaron tht country rube mho pour ed barrels of oil into the creek but aaron onci more outwits him whrn ha thrrauns to jail them for fraud and aaron and uu ml do berry t forth to live again in punkln crick marion otrundtr plaed oladys mar mtrrldrm niece of the city hlicktr mho mm chu4d by the bull and uic turkr gobbler and bewilder id by all uu strungt contropuoru of farm life clarence oreen jack cornell a msteriou bummer ffuea uie berry home bobbed up again as a malttr in uu final act and turn ed out to be a dttectlve on uie trail ol uir croaked mr mcrrldcw mlllyv oavulson had an tffcctivc role aa m cobartt lnfitr mlth a rendition of klm r b tunt and a brief comic inti rludt mlth aaron cabaret gut its mtre plaed b mac deans d- tot detthurst hedji sliam and boo bums mrs o w olasford wa nlonlift ke il c todd directed the produc tion u5 mtu as mklng the starrtng rot oral mm furmll mos busl mutineer and htakt director mlth hedh si mw in churgt of props mlsa t pinson aahlstisd m lui coatumea and make up uulsted b almfl mc- fneo mrn graham famell and mr it c todd and bob burns ma n cl urr of found effects others mho ruijhsd mukt uie tvcnlng a auc- ciss mirt mr w diuni at the gut and floc pitch und james burn a uslicra ii hit in mttrmlson mr todd ilru tht muuilny tlcktt for a war kivins certificate offcrrd as a door pr ia and thls tins mon b mrs j mcmisttr mlth tickt number dl nil proceed or s120 00 will be used to pi ol ht b timet of u dibt olng tn uu tiling courts at the church mlth uic rtmuinttr to be invested in war fcwivtnfcs ctrtlflcates and present- to the unlttd chtrch of canada ic national church the weathett m ii md ultht i u 1 i 111 i to closing meeting for norval junior farmers i iv i i ii 1 u imu 1h iii mill ii 11 1 ir kiiitlm i hi 1 1 w n i u i ih i1im iii mil 1 1 ii i it il job u ui ii 111 lolll lll olll ij i lllll i i i clo 1m bill b m ml i ml luisb inl to liluul 11 i l llt i oiut nt iln on tmhil nl u hit liiiul 111 mlll ilall ilotll ll 1111 ulul 1i silt stiul on lliuuks hit lubi1 i 1 sluil kip to rtmliid mi ol a slriuiur kindlier yours hlnctrib mrs o i itumtr on haiton farms john stoddart dies in toronto miiur cll hois ml nils mn lilii i iliil i to itimilir rrolilim c oni ililtit will ik lorniitl in trorrr- luun li till i i i 1 in i i minus i is i ii ii motlli 1 mt in i ln ii hill 11 il tii co int nut in i 11 in llu un i 111 111 tl st tlolls itllt 1111- 1 lllll s ol 1 nil i lo hltlllllllll tuc ii r stilt ol un i l in hilton norval juniors held the closing meet ing ol the season at the home ol onarlotta and cleave wlbon on tuesday may 2 tho girls answered uio roll call by a little courtesy worth knowing mrs clayton dick gave a spendtd talk on flower oardens bhe mentioned tho act although vegetable gardens wero a neeeunry part ol our war effort we tjiouli still spend some time on our flowers as their beauty was just as necessary or our morale mrs dick also presided tor the elee tlon ot officers for tha following year the now slate u as follows president dorthy cleave vice- pnsment marlon dick secretory beanor carney asstsecretary betty beed district dlreotor isabel wrlg- gleswortb dlreotora charlotte mc- oullocb irene curry violet dick pianist joy ruddell press reporters georgetown marlon dick bramp ton jean williamson the retiring president isabel wrlgglmworth thank ed the members for their help and cooperation during her year of office bhe then celled on mn curry the former irene leslie to accept a mls cellaueotis hower from the member ol the institute after opening her aifts irene thanked tho girls and suld she was rind lu could still continue in the club work mr j e whltelock was the guest speaker or the boys he gave on in formative talk on farm management the new olllcers for the jr farmers are as follows president john mcnabb vicepresi dent bruce retd becretarytreas jim carney directors oeorge hen derson don charles lome plsher during the joint meeting rita fish er read an address to mr and mrs ernie ourry and they were presented with a lace tablooloth an behalf of the junior fanners mr p h ollroy was tho guest speaker and gave a splendid address on our ally russia he told about her marvellous natural resources and about her leader josef btalln further plans were made for the juniors danoe ln kuttonvule on friday night the girls announced that they were selling tickets on a victory quilt donated by the ladles of eden w a the draw is to be made at the dance mrs james ecdes passed away after brief illness mrs jumts ecclt millknown dla- trtct resident pulsed uwoy ut peo memorial hospital brampton on fri day may 15th alter a very brief uu- nass formerly mlas wllhelmlna lyons she was the eldest daughter of the late mr and mrs w o lyons or union dlmrtcl in 1013 she mar ried james a eocles and settled ot lot 13 3rd line peel county where she had since resided she was a member of norval proabytertan church and of brampton west wo mens institute bhe is survived by her husband one son james and two daughters oeor- glna and jean all at home two bro thers fred lyons of union and oeorge lyons ot ryue saskatchewan and one sister usm mary lyons of wolrdaie saskatchewan nie funeral service which was held ot her late resldenee on monday may 18th was conducted by her pas tor rev a leggett of norval ow ing to a delay in the arrival of her sister from the west interment took place tuesday rnoralng at 10 oclock in ijxampton cemetery dm ii hot i im it vv is point id out b j 1- wnililtt k bttritni o the hi tin ahtiiuluiiul war bmtt com- initut that us u rtsult ot tmoruulc wiutni r ttiiulltlous and the ust of imtiiintid tiilpintnt u jnttr ucil- ui t h id txtn soun to spring main thun nonnul citii prck prcu indl- t ut t lu a i roj ol hu u lu nt and spiliib iirams it uiu the opinion ut tht miiting that 75 itr ctnt of ttulum laniurs omn o thtlr proximity to uar lndustr planu or tnllstcmcnls in tlu unmd forctb huu not suluc*nt help to harvtst the heavy crops at uie proper stuson it was uitrifd by the urban rtprtscntutlvea prcitnt who upriscnted indus try in all sectluns oc uie county that this situation creates a local and a national emergency and that immediate steps should be taken to counteract its effect to this end the urban representatives namely reeve j m- mcdonald and amov muson of aoton mayor oeo dawson p l robertson oeo bmlllle h d thorn wn of milton reeve j m campbell and ji a litchfield of oak- vule mayor joseph olbbons qeorge- town and mayor oordon blair of burlington agreed that in their com munities action would be taken at once to sot up a committee to moke a survey of all available man power which might be utilized to help out ln emergency actuations during the har vest period card op thanks we wish to thank friends for their many kindnesses and ekpreaaloiu of sympathy tn our recent tad bereave ment mrs james barnes and family john bud urt lor mtm m ih i iv kn rt tin di- mt died ut tin u c i s ho tt 1 on dimdas brut i t itioin tn 1 hui tin twiihik m i 14 j lt h id u in in l ulliii lu tit li ft i tlu pit mm md ans t ik in tu iiimiu it clirsti bt mapnal n i ui ii tu to tht ttttt cross honu t lit lutt mt st odd tut t s u nitivi ul bmtluid ii nlkttd ln hit list on at uar md unit our us ulth tht itilih ua tuition at the tluu of his iiiilmnunt 1 i w il uorkim for the lute join hiintti at his farm mar nornl afttr nttirnlnu from senlce omrsto lit toikt 1 on irimis farms in the dlsrlct and fot u time operated a farm htmsilf on the property now oc cupied b mr p s charles ht un about 03 years of age aud uas a member of branch 130 can adian legion ills only relative is a nlecc in the old country the funer al service was held on saturday may igli from bate and murdochs 134 avtnue road toronto dj li l butt all agreed that victoria day was a rjoiioiiii holidi and how wc enjoy id hi warm sunshine after nearly a vaiiou uetk of cloutl weather but that cool rloud tt rntlu r was just uh tns nt dtd afttr nil the raltt m lim hut or late to lot the mou- tuu soik into thi p round and not canst hen hnds to bake hard u tluv would hnt done if the sun had torn out hrlhht and warm i no ulth plentj of moisture and uwumti ututiur crops are all off to a rood start for n bumper harvest it should not be forgotten however that kothi surface cultuatlon in hoed crops uill htlp to convene the moisture by mnint tlnlng a soil mulch folloulne arc the local records for tht ueek union anniversary services ot union pres byterian church will be held on bun- day may si at it un and 730 pm rev wukle of elora will be the guest speaker and miss ida mckane ol tor onto und mr cecil lynou of knox church duelph will be the soloists the terra ootta upo and farm poruni will meet at the home of mr and ura p l thompson on monday june 1st at bis pm mr h h hannam will present the farmers ease over the ojjo network from 830 to 000 pm thousands of farm people across oanada will meet that evening to listen and discuss the farmer looks at price control will members and friends come prepared to give the government the benefit of their opinion of the prloe control diitc h i and l rain temp fall tucs mn 10 74 60 wed may 20 b7 43 train may 21 01 43 frl may 32 m w los bat may 33 so 4s js bun may m u a mon may 35 m 47 49th parallel at otteooby famed londonllouyweed star makes 49th parallel temporary parewed to britains active service forces pro vided most of the technicians execu tives and performers ln the motion picture expedition to oanada a year ago to film 40th parallel the picture one of columbias major u41 offerings will be seen at the oregoiy theatre on june 2nd and 3rd scattered now all over the emplm members of that party are fighting de mocracys battle osmand borredaue cameraman lie ln a cairo hospital recovering from injuries suffered when his plane was shot down ln libya diek oeorge who played the part ot a hast sub eominander is now hunting the kind of rubs that appear tn the film leslie howard invalided ln loll from th uieir quww wo plw vuuwv last war was turned down for thlf policy other important club business one aa works aa an official of tha fnawmbtllui will be discussed ministry ol information


Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), May 27, 1942, p. 1 (2024)
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Name: Terence Hammes MD

Birthday: 1992-04-11

Address: Suite 408 9446 Mercy Mews, West Roxie, CT 04904

Phone: +50312511349175

Job: Product Consulting Liaison

Hobby: Jogging, Motor sports, Nordic skating, Jigsaw puzzles, Bird watching, Nordic skating, Sculpting

Introduction: My name is Terence Hammes MD, I am a inexpensive, energetic, jolly, faithful, cheerful, proud, rich person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.