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• Chuyên đề 2: Kim loại kiềm, kiềm thổ, nhômNote: Phần này có 2 câu trong đề thi THPT QG 2019 với mức độ biết nhưng lại xuấthiện nhiều trong các bài tập cũng như phần Tổng hợp Hóa Vô cơ ® chúng ta sẽ cóđầy đủ kiến thức từ cơ bản đến nâng cao trong phần này!Câu 1. Dung dịch nào sau đây không tác dụng với Al2O3?C. NaOH.D. Ba(OH)2.A. HCl.B. NaCl.Câu 2. Chất nào sau đây vừa phản ứng với dung dịch NaOH vừa phản ứng với dung dịch HCl?B. Ca(OH)2.C. Na2CO3.D. Ca(HCO3)2.A. CaCO3.Câu 3. Nước cứng là nước có chứa nhiều các ion nào sau đây?A. Na+, K+.B. Ca2+, Mg2+.C. HCO3–, Cl–.D. SO42–, Cl–.Câu 4. Nguyên liệu chính dùng để sản xuất nhôm làA. quặng đôlômit.B. quặng pirit.C. quặng manhetit.D. quặng boxit.Câu 5. Nhỏ từ từ cho đến dư dung dịch NaOH vào dung dịch AlCl3. Hiện tượng xảy ra làA. có kết tủa keo trắng, sau đó kết tủa tan.B. chỉ có kết tủa keo trắng.C. có kết tủa keo trắng và có khí bay lên.D. không có kết tủa, có khí bay lênCâu 6. Dãy gồm các kim loại có cùng kiểu mạng tinh thể lập phương tâm khối là:A. Na, K, Ca.B. Na, K, Ba.C. Li, Na, Mg.D. Mg, Ca, Ba.Câu 7. Dãy gồm các oxit đều bị Al khử ở nhiệt độ cao là:A. FeO, MgO, CuO.B. PbO, K2O, SnO.C. Fe3O4, SnO, BaO.D. F ...
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Requirements:Write an essay (paper) OR (give students other options to submit projects like “submit a video presentation, infographic, podcast, social media post, etc.) that clearly answers the prompt.You must use at least two (2) key terms or concepts from each of the 12 chapters in the textbookYou must use at least one (1) key term or concepts from each of the video(s) posted in the course modules.You must clearly and correctly cite the textbook and videos when you use these terms.You must use and properly cite at least three (3) additional scholarly sources outside of this course.All students must submit a References page in APA format citing the sources you use (including the textbook and video) Prompt:How will you improve your life (professionally and personally) based upon the lessons you have learned from this course? Write you plan for how you will improve your interpersonal communication practices in the areas of:interpersonal communication in generalself-conceptperceptionverbal communicationnonverbal communicationmindful listeningemotionscommunication climatemanaging conflictfriendshipscommitted romantic relationshipsfamilies. The project should be organized by:1. A clear introduction that grabs the readers’ attention, states your thesis statement (main idea), and previews the points you will use to support your thesis.2. A body. Supporting points that address each element of the prompt.3. A conclusion that re-addresses your thesis, summarizes your supporting points, and ties it all together with a final thought.If you choose to write an essay (paper) follow these requirements:- This writing assignment should use at least 1,000 words. - Use one-inch margins.- Use a 12-point Times New Roman font.- Use double line spacing in the document.- Put your name, course and section number, and essay title on the Title Page.- Cite all of your sources in a References Page using APA format.- Cite the sources that you use to back-up the thesis of your paper using in-text parenthetical citations in APA citation style. For guidance, check out: APA citation style (opens in a new window) and visit the "How This Course Works" tab on this course's home page.- Use at least two (2) terms or concepts from each of the 12 chapters in the Wood (2020) text and make them bold when you use them in your essay (paper).- Use at least one (1) term or concepts from each of the videos assigned in the modules and make them bold when you use them in your essay (paper).- Use at least one (1) term or concept from each of the three (3) scholarly sources that you use from outside the course.(*You must use these terms in a way that clearly indicates that you know what they mean. You should not list terms. You should use them in context and define them in your own words)- Do NOT write an abstract for this paper.Grading Criteria:This assignment should be an original response to the above mentioned prompt. You will be graded out of one hundred (100) weighted points on the following measures: answering the prompt clearly, organization, use of sources, citation of sources, mechanics, and following the requirements stated above. If you choose to do a presentation or project, you do not have to submit an essay, BUT you still need to submit the file/link containing your work and a references page in APA format in the Assignment drop box in Blackboard. Be sure that the link to your work is set as "Public" or "Unlisted," and has open permissions (e.g. Google docs). Do NOT make the links Private. Please click the assignment and the option to "View Rubric" for more specifics on how points are to be allocated. To Submit:The best way to write your essay is by using Microsoft Word. It is free to current students of FTCC. Save the document with a filename that includes the assignment title, your first initial, and last name. Once you have saved a copy of your work as a .doc or .docx or .rtf or .pdf or .ppt file, then upload it to this submission form the same way you would attach a document to an email. If you write using Google Docs, McIntosh Pages, or any other software, be sure to save it as one of these file types in order to upload it successfully in Blackboard. If you submit a video presentation, you should submit a link to an online video platform like YouTube, Canva, Prezi, or Vimeo. DO NOT upload videos to Blackboard. Provide links only. Your assignment MUST be submitted to Blackboard and NOT sent via email.*Your assignment MUST be submitted to Blackboard and NOT sent as an email.* Visit FTCC's Management Information Services in order to get your FREE access to Microsoft Office (Office 365) here: (opens in a new window)

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Studypool Homework Help - 999 cau hoi ly thuyet hoa hoc on thi thpt quoc gia  1  trang 2 (2024)
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Author: Kelle Weber

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Name: Kelle Weber

Birthday: 2000-08-05

Address: 6796 Juan Square, Markfort, MN 58988

Phone: +8215934114615

Job: Hospitality Director

Hobby: tabletop games, Foreign language learning, Leather crafting, Horseback riding, Swimming, Knapping, Handball

Introduction: My name is Kelle Weber, I am a magnificent, enchanting, fair, joyous, light, determined, joyous person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.